Camping under the Milky Way


Crooked River Galaxy


While my kids and I traveled to central Oregon to see the eclipse, I’m always looking for the Milkyway if I get away from city lights and this first night was no exception. We rolled into our friend’s property at about 11pm, but I didn’t crawl into my sleeping bag until nearly 2am.

To get the tent to glow, I've got a small Snowpeak lantern hanging from the ceiling of the tent on its lowet setting.

Elowah Falls in June


In the summertime, I try to get the kids out hiking at least once a week. Today we visited my favorite, Elowah falls.

This is a familiar viewpoint, but I just can't resist it, especially since I'm shooting with a slightly different kit than last time I visited. This was taken with the Sony A7rii and the Zeiss Batis 25 and is a pano made from 6 images. The final image is 135mp!

Flowing Grasses Desktop


There’s a brief window between seasons in Oregon- at the beginning of summer where the wild grasses grow really quickly and green. It doesn’t last long though as the summer heat dries them out turning everything brittle and brown. This is my favorite time of year.

I haven't posted a desktop image in quite awhile, but the basic drill is this- Click on the link under the image for the size you want. Then, either right click or long press on the image that loads to save it to your device.